Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Staying Healthy

I dislike this time of the year for many reasons: I loath cold weather, I am not a fan of grey days, shorter amounts of daylight hours makes me sad and I do not care to look at barren trees. Sure these are pretty silly reason to dislike the winter and even the very beginning of springtime, but I dislike them darn it! Most of all, I abhor this time of the year because it is cold and flu season. Yes, I am a germaphobic freak of nature. Lysol, bleach and Clorox wipes are my BFF's this time of the year. Since October my students have been coughing sneezing, snotting, fevering and every other nasty germ related ailment you can imagine has popped out of them. They are little and they are gross! Whatever major illness they get I tend to get. Whatever major illness I get I tend to pass it along to my own children. It is a nasty little cycle I tell you! I guess it is just the nature of the beast.

January was a hard month for my family. Alex, Brennan, Bryan and I all came down with this awful fever virus. Alex's turned into a secondary illness of pneumonia. Brennan not only battled the fever virus, but he also came down with strep (although I believe he may have had strep the whole time, who knows for sure). Bryan ended up with an ear infection and I was hit the hardest with high temps and insane chills. My class hasn't had perfect attendance in Lord knows how long. I am trying my best to wipe down toys, tables, handles, phones, lights and even some of the door and walls that the children touch. I even threw out our wonderful homemade play-dough because I am sure it is harboring all kinds of funky little germies. Then tonight while watching the news I heard that two schools in St. Louis are closing down for two days so crews can come in to deep clean and disinfect the buildings. One school had 25% of their student body out ill today. Last week, the class next to me had eight out of 18 children present meaning only 44% of their class was well enough to be at school!!

I try very hard to keep my children well and healthy. Due to their asthma, a simple virus can set them back days. What you and I can easily battle in a matter of days might send my poor boys into days/weeks of breathing treatments. While not 100% effective, here are some simple things we do to attempt to stay healthy:

1. Shoes off: the moment we walk into the house we take our shoes off. I have a little shoe cubby in the laundry room for shoes. Not only does it help keep the nasty germs out of my house, but it helps with organization and clutter. Think of all of the nasty things you walk on each day! I've seen phlegm, spit, animal poop, trash, spilled drinks and an array of other gross stuff on the ground. Why would you want that tracked in your home?!

2. Hand washing: we wash our hands as soon as we come inside. Whether we just went grocery shopping, we are arriving home from school or we were just outside playing ball, we wash our hands with soap and water. I keep fun scented soap in the kitchen so we can all wash after we kick off our shoes. Hand washing is the best preventative against germs and illness.

3. Bedding: I wash our bedding weekly in hot water. Not only do I wash away germs, but I was away pesky allergens such as dust. This is a must for allergy and asthma sufferers.

4. Healthy food: we eat as much fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains and low-fat dairy as possible. Sugary food and foods with little nutritional value wear down your immune system. We have started juicing and I am amazed at what Brennan will drink! This weekend he pounded two cups of apple/orange/strawberry/carrot/tomato juice. He refuses to eat a carrot, but will happily suck down cups of carrot juice (????). Who am I to complain!?

5. Sleep: I make sure the boys get at least 10-12 hours of sleep each night. Sleep rests and repairs and restores the mind and body.

6. Supplements: Every night before bed we take our daily vitamin and probiotics. I feel like my kids eat healthy, but let's face it they are kids and can use as much help as possible when it comes to vitamins and minerals. 70-80% of your immunity is found in your digestive tract so the probiotics help ensure the healthy levels of bacteria in the gut. Even with 40+ days of antibiotics for pneumonia, Alex never once had diarrhea or an upset stomach thanks to his "belly medicine".

7. Cleaning: Every few days I wipe down "hot spots" in the house: light switches, door handles, doors, cell phones, TV remotes, fridge and microwave handles, cordless phones, etc. Sometimes I use good old fashioned hot water and soap while other times I may use a Clorox wipe or even white vinegar. I know we need some exposure to bacteria so that is why I only do it every few days. However, I do enjoy a clean looking house so this is a win-win situation all around.

According to two doctors I've spoken with, March tends to be the end of respiratory viruses, but it also tends to be the start of gastro ailments like norovirus and rotovirus. I am ready for April and some true springtime. I am ready to see green grass and baby animals and sunshine and flowers. I am ready to open the windows for fresh breezes and to hear the birds sing their song. Most of all I am ready for the cold and season to leave us! Here is to health and happiness!