Saturday, July 30, 2011

Back to the Basics

If you know me at all you know how passionate I am about healthy choices. From food to cleaning products to medicine I am all about getting back to the basics. Simply put, I am working hard to make changes in my family's life that is simple and pure in an effort to make us healthier, make us more conscious of our choices and maybe even make a positive impact on the world.

For quite some time I have tossed around the idea of getting involved in some way with nutrition and/or eco-friendly lifestyles. I have considered going back to school to become a registered dietition, I have looked into working at a Whole Foods type store and at one point I even thought about volunteering on a farm, but with two young children at home these ideas are just not in the cards for me right now. Instead I read and research as much as I can about food, farming, organic gardening, holistic approaches to medicine, green cleaning, etc. and I write, blog and talk about it with anyone who will listen. A few weeks ago, after reading through my favorite blogs I started thinking to myself, "Well, why don't I just start a blog of my own!" After a few days of trying to get a hang of the new formatting on here I figured it all out and decided to take the plunge. And so here I sit, typing the very first post of my new blog.

 I am not an expert in any area; I am just a mom who wants the very best for her family and friends, a simple lady who wants everyone to have knowledge of what is out there and how they can make changes if they so desire. This blog will have everything from healthy recipes, information on food choices, thoughts and opinions on "green" topics, vivid accounts of our food allergy journey, etc. It may not be the most exciting blog out there, but I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.