Saturday, October 15, 2011

GMO: Part One

I subscribe to a daily email newsletter offered by Dr. Mercola. I like these emails because they contain articles filled with information about food, health, supplements, etc. I don't particularly care for the ads highlighting his supplements, but I guess the man is just trying to get the word out. Anyway, I usually only open the articles that are of interest and/or pertain to the health of my family. The other day I decided to open the link to an article on genetically modified organisms (GMO) and as usual I was sadden and surprised by what I read.

I had no idea how closely linked Monsanto and the FDA were until I started reading the book, "The UnHealthy Truth". This book opened my eyes to the "good old boys club" mentality shared between the FDA and Monsanto. To read how certain people have held positions of power between the two entities and how laws, regulations and rules have intertwined really makes me stop and wonder just how and why these two are so closely linked together. Why would a government agency that was created to help regulate food safety be so closely linked to a trillion dollar biotech company? I, like so many others, feel they are up to no good.

So with this all said, when I opened the Dr. Mercola article, my eyes fell upon this quote: "If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." - Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994

This quote speaks volumes to me in many different ways. Obviously this man realizes how harmful GMO's are to not only our health, but to the animals and the environment as well. Did you know Europe has basically banned foods made from GMO's? If a product does contain GMO's it must be clearly labeled. In Europe there is virtually no GMO's on store shelves yet when you compare this to the food produced and consumed in the US, the rate of GMO's is about 75%.  

So in a nutshell we have two options: buy organic foods as they cannot/do not contain any GMO's or try to get better labeling laws established so consumers can decided which foods to purchase. Here's where it gets tricky. Many activists and organizations have tried to create a law forcing the labeling of GMO on food. The government is very much against this. Why you may ask? Let's say you go grocery shopping and see milk, eggs, meat, veggies, fruit, rice, cereal, pasta and cookies available to you, one produced with GMO's and one produced without GMO's; which would you be more likely purchase? For the record, I would buy the all natural foods. Let's say 90% of the shoppers in that store buy non-GMO foods, pretty soon the store managers will stop stocking and ordering GMO produced foods because they will lose money. If the stores are not stocking the GMO foods the manufacturers will not produce products that contain the GMO and the farmers will not allow the use of GMO crops. If this happens Monsanto will feel the loss. They will not be able to produce their altered versions of seeds and pretty soon they will not have much revenue coming in. The good old boys that work between the FDA and Monsanto will not be living the high life on their six figure salaries and pretty soon life and work will be a bust for them all. It is a cycle. Go back and re-read the quote from above....what context do you take it in now? Will the skull and cross bones represent the poison pulsing through the food produced with GMO's or does it represent the future for Monsanto and it's money should labeling laws go into effect? Hmmmm.......

Sadly Monsanto exercises a lot of control on Capitol Hill and in the DC area thus referring back to the government based FDA link once again. Lobbyists have worked feverishly the past twenty years to stop any type of labeling laws that would destroy what these biotech companies have created. A grass roots organization in California is trying very hard to get a bill passed at the state level that would require the labeling of all GMO's on foods. The hope and idea is that this bill will pass in California, of of the largest populated states in the US with a vast following of organic, anti-GMO followers. If it passes in California, the big food companies will be forced to make changes to their products and product labels. Imagine if Kellog's or Keebler had to print two labels as well as create two different foods. One product and label would state their cereals and crackers contain GMO's and another product and label would be free of GMO's. This is going to take a lot of time and energy and money and in time Kellog's and Keebler will hopefully only purchase non-GMO grains. The idea of passing this at state level is to bypass the big wigs in Congress. Sneaky, but in the grand scheme of it all, not as sneaky as Monsanto and the FDA.

Next up.........the effects of GMO's on our health, wellness and safety. 

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