Friday, July 25, 2014

Hunger Knows No Season

Hunger knows no season. It doesn't know that food pantry supplies tend to dwindle down in the summer months. Stomachs are still in need of food and nutrition whether it is a Saturday morning or a Thursday night, June or December. In my area, two well known food banks are working hard to replenish supplies and stock local food banks. I am so happy to be apart of this event! On Saturday morning I will be stationed at the front door of a local grocery store with a cart and handouts about hunger. My hope is that people will find it in their hearts to donate non-perishable food items and/or monetary funds so we can help stock the area food supply. All over the area local grocery stores are participating in this event, coined "Saturday Jubliee". If you can, buy a few extra items next time you are at the store and donate it to a local pantry. Some much needed items include:

peanut butter
tuna fish
canned fruits of all varieties
canned vegetables of all kinds
beans, canned and dry
broth, all varieties
powdered milk
instant potatoes
boxed meals
pancake mix
pasta sauce
canned meat
powdered drink mixes
bottled water

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